Pressekonferenz: Melinda and Melinda

Anscheinend waren die anwesenden Journalisten noch etwas verwirrt von Melinda und Melinda. Nur sehr wenig Fragen gingen auf den Film selbst ein.

Wie fast zu erwarten: 90% der Fragen gingen an Woody Allen (obwohl vier Schauspieler mit angereist waren). In Allens Antworten kamen seine Vorbehalte gegenüber dem amerikanischen Produktionssystem deutlich zum Ausdruck. "Studio Technicals" würden in Dinge reinreden, die nicht ihr "Business"wären. Die Produktionsverhältnisse in London, wo er gerade seinen neuesten Film dreht, beschrieb er dagegen als "extremely pleasant"


Die Lichtgestalt leider vom Blitzlichtgewitter überbelichtet.

Eine kurze Auswahl von Fragen und Antworten aus der Pressekonferenz:

Question: "Melinda sounds like a name of a character of a Shakespeare play ...could you comment on the Shakespeare influence and inspiration on this film"

Answer: " Believe it or not but I named the girl Melinda because I typed my script and Melinda is easy to type ....I was never a fan of the Shakespearian comedies myself. The serious Shakespeare is tremendous. But he could not possibly be any influence on me because he is in another world than any of us who ever write for a living or do anything in the theatre for living."

Q: "In the film music is very successful for seducing women and you play the clarinet. Were there instances in your live when the clarinet helped you win a woman's heard?"

A:"I should have taken the piano. Its never worked for me. When you play the piano you sit at the piano, a cigarette dangles from your mouth, its very romantic. A wind instrument your cheeks are blustering. It doesn't have the same effect."

Q: If he ever thought to make a movie about a gay couple

A: "If an idea occurred to me about a romance between gay people than I would do it but no idea occurred to me at the moment. But certainly its possible in the future, it could be a wonderful material for a film."

Q: Because Barcelona was mentioned in the movie as a alternative to live he was asked if he himself would like to spent some time in Barcelona.

A: "I would love to make a film in Barcelona. And I talked about it with some people there and maybe some day that will happen. Barcelona is a city where I can happy live for month and month during making a film is such a spectacular city."
